Stories to help you bring your best ideas to life. Subscribe to get the best prototyping tips, tricks, and tutorials in your inbox.
El incremento del volumen de transacciones ha incrementado el número de transacciones rechazadas. Conocer los diferentes códigos de error y cómo gestionarlos es crucial para mantener la operativa de tu empresa.
El comercio electrónico está en pleno crecimiento, pero la tasa de conversión sigue siendo un desafío. Una pasarela de pagos optimizada como MYMOID puede ayudarte a marcar la diferencia.
El fraude en pagos en línea es una amenaza real. Las pasarelas De Pagos ofrecen soluciones para protegerte.
Los chargebacks pueden causar mucho daño a tu negocio y la reputación de tu marca. ¡Averigua cómo evitarlos!
¿Alguna vez has pensado en la cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo que se desperdicia al crear y enviar órdenes de pago de forma manual? Automatizar tus procesos permite ahorro de tiempo y dinero.
La seguridad en las transacciones
What is a PCI Compliant IVR Solution, and why is it so important for your call center? Continue reading to learn more!
What are the benefits of IVR Payment Processing for your call center, and why do you need a PCI compliant IVR solution for your business?
What is PCI-DSS, what are the 4 PCI compliance levels that exist, and when should you meet each one? Continue reading to learn more!
What is Payment Request Link (pay by link), and what are some of the most important things that you need to know before using it?
How can you send a payment link in 3 effective steps? Continue reading to learn more!
What is the right
What are some of the most important steps that need to be taken when it comes to PCI-DSS for merchants? Continue reading to learn more!
Pay by link is a smart and quick way of being on top of payments.
3D Secure 1 has evolved into a better, faster, and more secure version that protects all parties in an online payment transaction. In this article, we will discuss the main differences between
What are some of the most effective ways to reduce subscription churn rate? Continue reading to discover how merchants can handle this common challenge.
What is card testing fraud, what makes it so dangerous for merchants, and what are the most effective steps they can take to protect themselves? Continue reading to learn more
Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to get a hold of stolen data and use it to make fraudulent transactions. What does it mean? In this article, we will talk about one specific type of payment fraud that has been growing in popularity:
What is friendly fraud, what are the most important things that you need to know about it, and how can you prevent it as a merchant?
let's take a look at what a chargeback exactly is
Know about the different types of payment methods that customers can choose from in 2022, and why merchants should aim to offer as many as possible.
What are some of the most effective ways to detect payment fraud? Continue reading to learn more!
Junio es el mes del Orgullo, y millones de personas por todo el mundo se unen para celebrar sus diferencias y apoyar a la comunidad LGBTQ en su lucha por la igualdad. Así lo hacen estas 5 compañías tecnológicas.
What are the biggest benefits of online payments for businesses in 2022?
Did you know that according to statistics, businesses spend an average of 15 days every year chasing late invoice payments? Continue reading to learn more about how to write a payment reminder that actually works.
What are the steps that you will need to take in order to accept recurring payments and manage your subscription-based business?
What are the biggest benefits of multiple payment gateways for businesses?
Declined transactions are painfully common for both merchants and customers - they are as old as credit cards themselves, and businesses have been facing the consequences of declined credit cards since the 1920s.
What are the most common types of chargebacks, and what can merchants do in order to handle them safely? Continue reading to learn more!
The global pandemic
we will talk about tokenization as a smart and effective way to protect cardholders’ data, and we will cover some of the biggest benefits of payment tokenization for both businesses and consumers.
A high volume of declined transactions on credit cards can lead to a series of negative consequences for merchants.
Do you want to discover the most effective ways to reduce chargebacks? Continue reading to learn more!
Know about the most common types of payment fraud, and what are some of the measures that your company can take in order to protect itself and your customers from fraudulent transactions.
PCI-DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, an essential protocol that should be followed by all companies that handle payment transactions.
What's the difference?
Choosing the right Virtual Terminal for your business is one of the most important steps in getting started with your digital journey. For this reason, before proceeding with your evaluation of acquisition service providers, we recommend you to take these 5 things in mind.
take a look at what happens from the perspective of the customer and the financial institution that represents and responds for his capacity to pay off debts: the Issuing bank.
What are some of the most effective ways to win a chargeback dispute as a seller? Find out more in this article!
What are some of the most effective ways to increase checkout conversion rate for your ecommerce store?
Useful practices that merchants can undertake to work on improving unnecessary card declines, reduce fraud suspicion, and keep their data safe while re-capturing revenue from declined transactions.
What exactly is an acquiring bank, and what are its main functions in the process of managing transactions?
Conoce cómo evitar un alto volumen de transacciones rechazadas.
Conoce las medidas que puedes tomar para aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar una disputa por chargeback.
¿qué significa ser un negocio de alto riesgo, y qué puedes hacer si tu empresa lo es?
we explain 8 important things you need to know if you are running a business on the riskier side of the spectrum.
PecunPay se convertirá en uno de los adquirentes de confianza de MYMOID, proporcionando servicios de adquirencia y procesamiento de pagos como Entidad de Dinero Electrónico (EDE) autorizada por Banco de España.
Seleccionar el Terminal Virtual más adecuado para tu negocio es uno de los pasos más importantes a tomar antes de empezar a aceptar pagos online
The Spanish Association of FinTech and InsurTech (AEFI) celebrated its first edition of
La Asociación Española de FinTech e InsurTech (AEFI) celebró la primera edición de
June is Pride Month, a wonderful time to honor the history of queer people, show support, and recognize the oppression that the LGBTQ community still faces around the world.
Revisa estadísticas de chargebacks inquietantes que explican su impacto sobre las empresas
Chargebacks are a very common problem for merchants. To have a better understanding of the problem, we will take a look at some alarming chargeback statistics - and discover what merchants can do to reduce the number of disputes filed by customers for not recognizing their transactions.
Conoce nuestro nuevo Panel de Control: más potentes funcionalidades que mejorarán tu experiencia y harán tus procesos más eficientes.
New Control Panel: powerful functionalities to make your payment experience better and more efficient.
Know about the different status orders as defined by MYMOID for our Payment Gateway users.
Conoce el esquema de órdenes de pago que te permitirá tener un mayor control sobre tus procesos internos.
Procesos que suceden desde la perspectiva del consumidor y la institución que lo representa y responde por su capacidad para realizar pagos digitales: el banco emisor.
¿Qué es exactamente un banco adquirente?, y ¿cuál es su papel en la gestión de transacciones?
Conoce acerca del fraude y las medidas de seguridad que pueden ayudarte a proteger tu comercio de transacciones ilegales.
Take a look at 5 important KPIs that you need to track to ensure that you are implementing the best practices for your company.
Informes de Analítica de Pagos que MYMOID envía a sus clientes en el sector de micro-créditos. y los 5 KPI que consideramos clave para obtener un mayor rendimiento.
Conoce las prácticas que los comercios pueden implementar para trabajar sobre las transacciones rechazadas y reducir así el uso de la red y las denegaciones por sospechas de fraude, mientras recuperan sus ingresos de forma segura.
Conoce acerca del sector FinTech y cómo se posicionó como líder en la disrupción digital de la industria financiera.
Know how the FinTech ecosystem in Spain has grown by 41% in the last 15 months.
Las pasarelas de pago son un componente clave en la infraestructura de los pagos digitales para aumentar el ratio de conversión en checkout, y proporcionar una experiencia de pago que reducirá el abandono de los carritos de la compra.
Habilitar los pagos digitales en tu tienda
¿Por qué elegir MYMOID como pasarela de pagos en tu negocio?
According to the agreement, PecunPay will become one of MYMOID's trusted acquirers, providing the technology for payment processing as official Electronic Money Entity authorized by Banco de España.
MYMOID Payment Gateway: making digital payments easier for everyone
What are some of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to PCI compliance for call centers?
El estándar PCI-DSS da respuesta a las vulnerabilidades en la ciberseguridad
¿Qué medidas tomar para reducir las vulnerabilidades antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
Which payment trends do you think will prevail this year?
¿Cuales crees que serán la tendencias dominantes de los pagos digitales para e 2018? Te presentamos algunas de las tendencias claves en el sector FinTech.
The global pandemic impacted merchants both positively and negatively - from increased online shopping - which jumped by 4% in just 1 year - to increased online payment fraud, which registered 35% more online fraud attempts than pre-pandemic times.
Los pagos tradicionales están evolucionando a la velocidad de la luz en soluciones digitales de última generación. La pre-autorización de pagos puede ser realmente beneficiosa para tu negocio.
The new PSD2 directive will have a significant impact on the way companies provide payment solutions and other financial services.
A pesar de la popularidad creciente de los pagos por móvil, todavía existen varios mitos que atrasan su adopción.
Despite the increasing popularity of mobile payments, there are still a lot of myths regarding their convenience that slow overall adoption.
¿Por qué PSD2 es importante para la industria financiera?
PCI-DSS is not only a key player in implementing best practices for cardholder data protection, but it helps you strengthen your authority and reputation as a brand.
La industria de viajes tendrá que dirigirse hacia una solución más sostenible y segura.
Conoce cómo utilizar la tokenización para gestionar este proceso de forma segura
After the incredible performance of digital payments on Black Friday, many experts predicted that Cyber Monday will be the single largest shopping day in the history of online sales. But did the predictions become a reality?
Después de la dominación completa de los pagos digitales este Black Friday, muchos expertos predijeron que el Cyber Monday sería el día más importante en la historia de las ventas online. ¿Se cumplieron esas expectativas?
Black Friday this year was heaven on earth for brands and retailers. Online payments were the superstars of this year's shopping behavior.
Conoce acerca de repercusiones de los descuentos masivos sobre el comportamiento de los consumidores.
5 razones para explorar el mundo online, y habilitar las compras digitales para tus consumidores.
5 reasons to explore the online world, and enable digital payments for your customers.
we will talk about PCI compliance for hotels, and what changes should they be expecting with the strong implementation of the payment security standard.
El estándar PCI-DSS para la gestión de tarjetas de crédito y débito se convirtió en una consideración esencial para todos los hoteles, y MYMOID te explica cómo adaptarlo en tu empresa.
¿Qué es exactamente la pasarela de pagos y cómo funciona? En este artículo, te explicamos la ciencia detrás de este servicio digital
If you are planning to run an online business, whether it is e-commerce, retail or any type of activity that requires payment card processing, you will need to implement a payment gateway. But what exactly is a payment gateway and how does it work? In this article, we will explain the science behind this digital service.
El uso de la tecnología en los servicios financieros está dando una nueva vida al sector de microcréditos.
The use of technology for delivering financial services to customers is giving a new life to the high-risk sector of microfinance.
El incremento del volumen de transacciones ha incrementado el número de transacciones rechazadas. Conocer los diferentes códigos de error y cómo gestionarlos es crucial para mantener la operativa de tu empresa.
El comercio electrónico está en pleno crecimiento, pero la tasa de conversión sigue siendo un desafío. Una pasarela de pagos optimizada como MYMOID puede ayudarte a marcar la diferencia.
El fraude en pagos en línea es una amenaza real. Las pasarelas De Pagos ofrecen soluciones para protegerte.
Los chargebacks pueden causar mucho daño a tu negocio y la reputación de tu marca. ¡Averigua cómo evitarlos!
¿Alguna vez has pensado en la cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo que se desperdicia al crear y enviar órdenes de pago de forma manual? Automatizar tus procesos permite ahorro de tiempo y dinero.
La seguridad en las transacciones
What is a PCI Compliant IVR Solution, and why is it so important for your call center? Continue reading to learn more!
What are the benefits of IVR Payment Processing for your call center, and why do you need a PCI compliant IVR solution for your business?
What is PCI-DSS, what are the 4 PCI compliance levels that exist, and when should you meet each one? Continue reading to learn more!
What is Payment Request Link (pay by link), and what are some of the most important things that you need to know before using it?
How can you send a payment link in 3 effective steps? Continue reading to learn more!
What is the right
What are some of the most important steps that need to be taken when it comes to PCI-DSS for merchants? Continue reading to learn more!
Pay by link is a smart and quick way of being on top of payments.
3D Secure 1 has evolved into a better, faster, and more secure version that protects all parties in an online payment transaction. In this article, we will discuss the main differences between
What are some of the most effective ways to reduce subscription churn rate? Continue reading to discover how merchants can handle this common challenge.
What is card testing fraud, what makes it so dangerous for merchants, and what are the most effective steps they can take to protect themselves? Continue reading to learn more
Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to get a hold of stolen data and use it to make fraudulent transactions. What does it mean? In this article, we will talk about one specific type of payment fraud that has been growing in popularity:
What is friendly fraud, what are the most important things that you need to know about it, and how can you prevent it as a merchant?
let's take a look at what a chargeback exactly is
Know about the different types of payment methods that customers can choose from in 2022, and why merchants should aim to offer as many as possible.
What are some of the most effective ways to detect payment fraud? Continue reading to learn more!
Junio es el mes del Orgullo, y millones de personas por todo el mundo se unen para celebrar sus diferencias y apoyar a la comunidad LGBTQ en su lucha por la igualdad. Así lo hacen estas 5 compañías tecnológicas.
What are the biggest benefits of online payments for businesses in 2022?
Did you know that according to statistics, businesses spend an average of 15 days every year chasing late invoice payments? Continue reading to learn more about how to write a payment reminder that actually works.
What are the steps that you will need to take in order to accept recurring payments and manage your subscription-based business?
What are the biggest benefits of multiple payment gateways for businesses?
Declined transactions are painfully common for both merchants and customers - they are as old as credit cards themselves, and businesses have been facing the consequences of declined credit cards since the 1920s.
What are the most common types of chargebacks, and what can merchants do in order to handle them safely? Continue reading to learn more!
The global pandemic
we will talk about tokenization as a smart and effective way to protect cardholders’ data, and we will cover some of the biggest benefits of payment tokenization for both businesses and consumers.
A high volume of declined transactions on credit cards can lead to a series of negative consequences for merchants.
Do you want to discover the most effective ways to reduce chargebacks? Continue reading to learn more!
Know about the most common types of payment fraud, and what are some of the measures that your company can take in order to protect itself and your customers from fraudulent transactions.
PCI-DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, an essential protocol that should be followed by all companies that handle payment transactions.
What's the difference?
Choosing the right Virtual Terminal for your business is one of the most important steps in getting started with your digital journey. For this reason, before proceeding with your evaluation of acquisition service providers, we recommend you to take these 5 things in mind.
take a look at what happens from the perspective of the customer and the financial institution that represents and responds for his capacity to pay off debts: the Issuing bank.
What are some of the most effective ways to win a chargeback dispute as a seller? Find out more in this article!
What are some of the most effective ways to increase checkout conversion rate for your ecommerce store?
Useful practices that merchants can undertake to work on improving unnecessary card declines, reduce fraud suspicion, and keep their data safe while re-capturing revenue from declined transactions.
What exactly is an acquiring bank, and what are its main functions in the process of managing transactions?
Conoce cómo evitar un alto volumen de transacciones rechazadas.
Conoce las medidas que puedes tomar para aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar una disputa por chargeback.
¿qué significa ser un negocio de alto riesgo, y qué puedes hacer si tu empresa lo es?
we explain 8 important things you need to know if you are running a business on the riskier side of the spectrum.
PecunPay se convertirá en uno de los adquirentes de confianza de MYMOID, proporcionando servicios de adquirencia y procesamiento de pagos como Entidad de Dinero Electrónico (EDE) autorizada por Banco de España.
Seleccionar el Terminal Virtual más adecuado para tu negocio es uno de los pasos más importantes a tomar antes de empezar a aceptar pagos online
The Spanish Association of FinTech and InsurTech (AEFI) celebrated its first edition of
La Asociación Española de FinTech e InsurTech (AEFI) celebró la primera edición de
June is Pride Month, a wonderful time to honor the history of queer people, show support, and recognize the oppression that the LGBTQ community still faces around the world.
Revisa estadísticas de chargebacks inquietantes que explican su impacto sobre las empresas
Chargebacks are a very common problem for merchants. To have a better understanding of the problem, we will take a look at some alarming chargeback statistics - and discover what merchants can do to reduce the number of disputes filed by customers for not recognizing their transactions.
Conoce nuestro nuevo Panel de Control: más potentes funcionalidades que mejorarán tu experiencia y harán tus procesos más eficientes.
New Control Panel: powerful functionalities to make your payment experience better and more efficient.
Know about the different status orders as defined by MYMOID for our Payment Gateway users.
Conoce el esquema de órdenes de pago que te permitirá tener un mayor control sobre tus procesos internos.
Procesos que suceden desde la perspectiva del consumidor y la institución que lo representa y responde por su capacidad para realizar pagos digitales: el banco emisor.
¿Qué es exactamente un banco adquirente?, y ¿cuál es su papel en la gestión de transacciones?
Conoce acerca del fraude y las medidas de seguridad que pueden ayudarte a proteger tu comercio de transacciones ilegales.
Take a look at 5 important KPIs that you need to track to ensure that you are implementing the best practices for your company.
Informes de Analítica de Pagos que MYMOID envía a sus clientes en el sector de micro-créditos. y los 5 KPI que consideramos clave para obtener un mayor rendimiento.
Conoce las prácticas que los comercios pueden implementar para trabajar sobre las transacciones rechazadas y reducir así el uso de la red y las denegaciones por sospechas de fraude, mientras recuperan sus ingresos de forma segura.
Conoce acerca del sector FinTech y cómo se posicionó como líder en la disrupción digital de la industria financiera.
Know how the FinTech ecosystem in Spain has grown by 41% in the last 15 months.
Las pasarelas de pago son un componente clave en la infraestructura de los pagos digitales para aumentar el ratio de conversión en checkout, y proporcionar una experiencia de pago que reducirá el abandono de los carritos de la compra.
Habilitar los pagos digitales en tu tienda
¿Por qué elegir MYMOID como pasarela de pagos en tu negocio?
According to the agreement, PecunPay will become one of MYMOID's trusted acquirers, providing the technology for payment processing as official Electronic Money Entity authorized by Banco de España.
MYMOID Payment Gateway: making digital payments easier for everyone
What are some of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to PCI compliance for call centers?
El estándar PCI-DSS da respuesta a las vulnerabilidades en la ciberseguridad
¿Qué medidas tomar para reducir las vulnerabilidades antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
Which payment trends do you think will prevail this year?
¿Cuales crees que serán la tendencias dominantes de los pagos digitales para e 2018? Te presentamos algunas de las tendencias claves en el sector FinTech.
The global pandemic impacted merchants both positively and negatively - from increased online shopping - which jumped by 4% in just 1 year - to increased online payment fraud, which registered 35% more online fraud attempts than pre-pandemic times.
Los pagos tradicionales están evolucionando a la velocidad de la luz en soluciones digitales de última generación. La pre-autorización de pagos puede ser realmente beneficiosa para tu negocio.
The new PSD2 directive will have a significant impact on the way companies provide payment solutions and other financial services.
A pesar de la popularidad creciente de los pagos por móvil, todavía existen varios mitos que atrasan su adopción.
Despite the increasing popularity of mobile payments, there are still a lot of myths regarding their convenience that slow overall adoption.
¿Por qué PSD2 es importante para la industria financiera?
PCI-DSS is not only a key player in implementing best practices for cardholder data protection, but it helps you strengthen your authority and reputation as a brand.
La industria de viajes tendrá que dirigirse hacia una solución más sostenible y segura.
Conoce cómo utilizar la tokenización para gestionar este proceso de forma segura
After the incredible performance of digital payments on Black Friday, many experts predicted that Cyber Monday will be the single largest shopping day in the history of online sales. But did the predictions become a reality?
Después de la dominación completa de los pagos digitales este Black Friday, muchos expertos predijeron que el Cyber Monday sería el día más importante en la historia de las ventas online. ¿Se cumplieron esas expectativas?
Black Friday this year was heaven on earth for brands and retailers. Online payments were the superstars of this year's shopping behavior.
Conoce acerca de repercusiones de los descuentos masivos sobre el comportamiento de los consumidores.
5 razones para explorar el mundo online, y habilitar las compras digitales para tus consumidores.
5 reasons to explore the online world, and enable digital payments for your customers.
we will talk about PCI compliance for hotels, and what changes should they be expecting with the strong implementation of the payment security standard.
El estándar PCI-DSS para la gestión de tarjetas de crédito y débito se convirtió en una consideración esencial para todos los hoteles, y MYMOID te explica cómo adaptarlo en tu empresa.
¿Qué es exactamente la pasarela de pagos y cómo funciona? En este artículo, te explicamos la ciencia detrás de este servicio digital
If you are planning to run an online business, whether it is e-commerce, retail or any type of activity that requires payment card processing, you will need to implement a payment gateway. But what exactly is a payment gateway and how does it work? In this article, we will explain the science behind this digital service.
El uso de la tecnología en los servicios financieros está dando una nueva vida al sector de microcréditos.
The use of technology for delivering financial services to customers is giving a new life to the high-risk sector of microfinance.
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